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What is HIFU? 
Often referred to as the no knife facelift.


HIFU deposits focused ultrasound energy below the surface of the skin to contract the facial layer as well as stimulate the body’s creation of new collage as a result, skin will actually begin to lift and tone over time.

Compared to the lasers and RF that are designed for the immediate effect, HIFU provides a long-lasting effect as well as the immediate effects by affecting the deeper layer of skin.


With clinically proven results on face, sagging jowls, chins and much more. 











How does HIFU work on the face? 

HIFU targets the upper dermis 1.5mm, lower dermis 3.00mm and most importantly the SMAS at 4.5mm. The SMAS is the layer that sits between your muscle and your fat layer. 


This SMAS layer is the actual area a plastic surgeon would pull and tighten under a surgical operation using a knife. HIFU targets this layer without any surgical incisions, giving the patient a no-downtime facelift. Which means you can gain excellent results without any risks associated with surgery, such as infection, scarring, swelling etc. Treatments are fast and results can be seen immediately for some patients, depending on the level of laxity your skin has.














What is HIFU treatment for body / weight loss / inch loss?

9mm and 13mm cartridges are used for the body, here HIFU energy is used to target the fat layer and destroy fat cells. HIFU is ideal for body contouring post pregnancy tummy, abdomen fat, bingo wings, thighs and under the buttocks; for a non-surgical bum lifting effect. It can even tighten the skin on the knees and arms, helping to improve the ‘crepey’ look. HIFU is a very effective treatment for both inch loss, Cellulite reduction and fat loss – at the same time tightening the skin! 


How long does it take to see results and how long do they last? 

Just one session can tighten and lift the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin tone, (some clients may require more than one treatment depending on appearance of skin) results exponentially improve from 3 days, to 3 weeks to 3 months as collagen keeps getting reproduced underneath the skin and last up to 3 years.  With no downtime necessary after treatment, you can be back at your usual routine immediately after.


How do i prepare for treatment?

Exposure to the sun burns the skin and sunburned or (recently) tanned skin cannot be treated with HIFU.

Also, all chemicals which irritate the skin should be avoided as this may prevent treatment.


Day of treatment;

It is important that on the day of the treatment, all forms of make-up and moisturizers should be avoided.



It is important for patients who have undergone HIFU skin treatment to understand how to care for their bodies after the treatment in order to prevent complications and side effects that can minimize the gains of the treatment.  This is especially so because it will help to increase the chances of success. 


1. Avoid The Sun

After the HIFU skin treatment, it is important for you to try to prevent yourself from exposure to sunlight and cold for a few weeks.


The reason is that avoiding the sun will help to prevent hyperpigmentation and reduce the chance of sunburn and skin damage.


The use of sunblock cream is also encouraged, as this will help to prevent destructive ultraviolet light from the sun from directly touching the skin.  This should be continued until the skin tightening process is completed.


2. Take A Break From Alcohol

Stop giving your liver excess work. Drinking alcohol should be avoided after the treatment.


Alcohol makes your liver to do extra work. After the treatment procedure, your liver will be tasked with breaking down the deactivated fat.


Consuming alcohol means that the liver now has to break down alcohol in addition to the deactivated fat.

Besides the fact that alcohol overworks your liver, it also reduces the density of your blood.  The implications of less dense blood are that excessive bleeding may occur since blood clotting will be a challenge.


3. Don't Scratch Your Skin

As sweet as scratching the body may be when itching, it is advisable not to scratch your skin after a treatment.  At this time, your skin will be very sensitive, and scratching it puts you at the risk of skin damage.  If you have scabs, you are also advised to allow them to fall off naturally.  Trying to remove them may lead to a large wound, which may lead to infection.


4. Drink More Water

As they say, water is life. So after the HIFU treatment procedure, water should be your favorite drink.


Water must come first before other beverages that you consume.  Water will also help in your recovery by increasing the rate at which collagen is produced in the body.  It's in your best interest to keep your body hydrated, so drink as much water as possible.


5. Don't Have Hot Showers or Baths

When taking your bath, use cold water as this will help keep the natural protective oil on your skin and also prevent skin irritation.  If at all you must use hot water, you are better of using lukewarm water as this will facilitate the quick recovery of your skin.


​Aftercare Is Almost As Important As The HIFU Facelift Treatment Itself


Get the most from your HIFU facelift treatment. Take the aftercare procedures seriously.


Am I suitable for treatment?

  • Please avoid botox/filler 4 weeks ahead of your HIFU treatment.

  • You cannot be treated with HIFU if you have previously had threads within the last year.

  • Please avoid any facial peels 4 weeks before treatment and microdermabrasion 2 weeks before treatment.

  • Please avoid any sun burn 2 weeks before treatment

  • Please avoid IPL laser 2 weeks before treatment

  • Please avoid any active skin care eg Vitamin A, Vitamin C, AHA’s and BHA, any exfoliating products 5 days pre and post treatment.

  • HIFU is not suitable for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • If you have dermal implants, or any metal implants including chin implant, we unfortunately cannot treat with HIFU. This is because the metal attracts the HIFU energy

  • If you are currently taking any acne or skin thinning or photosensitive medication such as Roaccutane we cannot treat your skin as there is a risk of burning.

  • If you have any open sores, acne, infection or skin sensitivity in the area we cannot treat with HIFU.

HIFU compared to other treatments
HIFU Before & After
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